H.Class Cigars
The Ultimate Luxury Cigar
The H3 by H-Class Cigars is truly a wonderful smoke. With it’s premium maduro wrapper and it’s overall creaminess this, peach, cocoa and coffee flavored cigar is one for the history books!
Get Yours Today!
Call to Order – 347-844-3680
Call to Order – 347-844-3680
H.Class Cigars
The Ultimate Luxury Cigar
The H3 by H-Class Cigars is truly a wonderful smoke. With it’s premium maduro wrapper and it’s overall creaminess this, peach, cocoa and coffee flavored cigar is one for the history books!
Get Yours Today!
Call to Order
Call to Order – 347-844-3680
Finest Quality Cigars!
Our goal is to create blends that challenge the way our consumers think. H.Class Cigars has taken multiple flavors, combining them with premium long leaf tobacco, which gives our customers an experience like no other.
H.Class Cigars is a family-owned brand that believes in the culture.
“Smoking cigars is like falling in love. First, you are attracted by its shape; you stay for its flavor, and you must always remember never, never to let the flame go out!”
“Throughout my life, cigars have played different roles for me. They fit easily and well in the various stages and experiences I’ve had — like a companion, almost. If you’ve smoked a long time, as I have, they become part of you.”
“Smoking cigars is like falling in love. First, you are attracted by its shape; you stay for its flavor, and you must always remember never, never to let the flame go out!”
“Throughout my life, cigars have played different roles for me. They fit easily and well in the various stages and experiences I’ve had — like a companion, almost. If you’ve smoked a long time, as I have, they become part of you.”
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Our goal is to create blends that challenge the way our consumers think.
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Our goal is to create blends that challenge the way our consumers think.