The Queen V cigar has a flavor profile that is exquisite and is absolutely in a class by itself. This cigar has notes of Chocolate, Raspberry, and expresso on the finish. It is a great smoke and will still give you that medium body feel.
We have tested the Queen V, have had friends and family give it a try and they have all been very honest. Most of them have all requested more. The consensus is the flavor is bold, the flavor was consistent throughout the smoke.
Finest Quality Cigars!
Our goal is to create blends that challenge the way our consumers think. H.Class Cigars has taken multiple flavors, combining them with premium long leaf tobacco, which gives our customers an experience like no other.
H.Class Cigars is a family-owned brand that believes in the culture.
Queen V
Let us face it, there is a lot of flavored cigars that are making their way in the cigar industry. However, not many can boast that the flavor stays consistent throughout the smoke.
We have tested the Queen V, have had friends and family give it a try and they have all been very honest. Most of them have all requested more. The consensus is the flavor is bold, the flavor was consistent throughout the smoke, and they have mostly agreed that the cigar takes between 30-45 minutes from start to finish.
This cigar was created with the intention of giving the lovers of the leaf something they could enjoy any time of the day, and all while delivering some delicious flavor. I honestly was shocked at my wife for this idea.
Queen V Creation
The Queen V was created by my wife, the Queen herself Vashone Diane Hendrickson. Believe it or not, this was totally unexpected as for we started off the brand with two great blends. Our first cigar release was King Arthur’s Revenge. My wife tried the blends with me to see what our final decision on both cigars would be, King Arthur’s Revenge, and The H3. The final blend on King Arthur’s Revenge was agreed upon by both of us.
My wife loved the blend, the only issue she had was the size of the cigar. She loved it so much I remember being on the phone with the factory owner Ismael Olivan. We were discussing logistics. It was like a light bulb went off, Vashone jumps up and asked Ismael can we do a cigar like King Arthur’s Revenge in a smaller version, and maybe tweak one of the flavors. He says, sure, why not?
So, we go back and forth on the flavors and came up with this bizarre mix that will make your palate dance.
Queen V
Let us face it, there is a lot of flavored cigars that are making their way in the cigar industry. However, not many can boast that the flavor stays consistent throughout the smoke.
We have tested the Queen V, have had friends and family give it a try and they have all been very honest. Most of them have all requested more. The consensus is the flavor is bold, the flavor was consistent throughout the smoke, and they have mostly agreed that the cigar takes between 30-45 minutes from start to finish.
This cigar was created with the intention of giving the lovers of the leaf something they could enjoy any time of the day, and all while delivering some delicious flavor. I honestly was shocked at my wife for this idea.
Queen V Creation
The Queen V was created by my wife, the Queen herself Vashone Diane Hendrickson. Believe it or not, this was totally unexpected as for we started off the brand with two great blends. Our first cigar release was King Arthur’s Revenge. My wife tried the blends with me to see what our final decision on both cigars would be, King Arthur’s Revenge, and The H3. The final blend on King Arthur’s Revenge was agreed upon by both of us.
My wife loved the blend, the only issue she had was the size of the cigar. She loved it so much I remember being on the phone with the factory owner Ismael Olivan. We were discussing logistics. It was like a light bulb went off, Vashone jumps up and asked Ismael can we do a cigar like King Arthur’s Revenge in a smaller version, and maybe tweak one of the flavors. He says, sure, why not?
So, we go back and forth on the flavors and came up with this bizarre mix that will make your palate dance.